Find peace of mind with comprehensive custodian services.

Alternative assets have played a vital role within the investment portfolios of defined benefit plans for many years, and plans continue to allocate a significant portion of investable assets into alternatives. At Pacific Premier Trust, we know alternatives well and work hand in hand with plan administrators to custody them.

We have decades of experience working with trustees, financial advisors, and pension consultants, and can address the growing responsibilities facing employee benefit plans.

Our services include:

  • Asset custody safekeeping
  • Cash clearing
  • Capital calls processing and servicing
  • Quarterly statements

Regulated and Audited

Pacific Premier Trust, as a division of Pacific Premier Bank is regulated and examined by the California Department of Financial Protection and Innovation (DFPI) and the Federal Reserve Board (FRB). Additionally, as a Division of Pacific Premier Bank, we are part of the bank’s annual audit performed by an independent accounting firm.


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Individuals and Professionals – Open Account

M-F 7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. MT




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